This will be your chance to check out in advance the options that you will have available on any given online casino. We will check out the four big online casino games’ families. Indeed, you can classify each game by its genre. The first group will be the screen game, which includes slot machines and video poker games. Furthermore, you will encounter the table games’ family, the card games’ family, and the newest group, which is the lottery games’ family. We will get into details regarding each ones of these families to make you more aware of your options while playing on an online casino!

Video Slots and Video Poker

Video screen games are the top favorite of every US online casino player! The biggest stars of them all are the slot machines. You will be able to find plenty of slot machines since they are a must on every online casino. Also, did you know that slot machines represent 90% of clicks at online casinos? This goes to show the approval rating when it comes to video screen games! You will find yourself surrounded by classic slots, as well as modern slots and more advanced ones such as the progressive slots. Let us not also forget the video poker games that come in strong with many variations to choose from for online casino players! If you are looking for the best software options for this type of games in the US, we suggest that you check out this site.

Table games

Table games are also a not-to-be-missed item on online casinos. If you have no idea about what games fall into this category, let us enlighten you! If you pick table games, you will be able to find options such as roulette and craps! These games require a table and a few accessories such as dice, a board, a ball, … You will also find many variations of these games directly on many online casinos!

Card games

Card games are also mistaken for table games and it is a mistake that we intend to correct on this paragraph. Indeed, they are classics, but they also have a history of their own. Therefore, henceforth, every time someone refers to card games, we want you to have these options in mind: blackjack, poker and baccarat online. These are the most famous card games and they are available on the vast majority of online casinos! They have evolved quite a bit and we will get into it in the following paragraphs or just click here to know more!

Lottery games

Lottery games are probably the latest and least expected addition to online casino games! Indeed, nowadays, you will be able to play on bingo games, on keno games and on scratch card games directly on your favorite online casinos! Moreover, you must know that this revolution comes from some of the most influential software providers in the whole entire I gaming scene!

Live casino games

We spoke to you about the card games’ evolution online, and this is what we meant by it! Nowadays, it is all about live casinos! Indeed, these live casinos allow you to play on your favorite games in the most realistic conditions with live dealers and real-life adversaries!