No matter how controversial CBD and its consumption will remain, people are splurging on it and gaining many health benefits, check out this article. In fact, it is not just the common people who are in its favor, but many professional athletes as well, bringing cannabis in the mainstream
Wondering why and how? Let us take an insight into it and the ways it has helped some of the top professional players.
What Is CBD
Marijuana is the source of CBD which is a nonpsychoactive compound and has immense health benefits. Another compound present in the plant is THC which is used for the recreation purposes and to make one get high.
Therefore all the CBD products either oil, tablets, creams or lotions are free from THC and endow only medical benefits to the body. BTW, an associated website has brought conventional CBD products in their pure form to be used and get rid of major health issues like sleeplessness, pain, ache, arthritis, skin aging and much more.
Why Athletes Use CBD
CBD is an excellent source to get instant relaxation and reduce stress. Some of the sketchy evidence have even claimed that the product is effective against depression, anxiety and the feeling of restlessness.
For athletes CBD has been a great source for doing intense workouts will less fatigue, give excellent performance in the field and have a speedy recovery from pain, aches and other issues incurred while playing.
Professional Athletes Who Use CBD
- Leonard Marshall
He is a former football player who after retirement suffered from CTE. It is a traumatic brain injury that may occur due to a repeated concussion. It is a life-threatening problem in which the patient experience black-outs repeatedly. Leonard Marshall says that once tuning to CBD his symptoms reduced drastically. He used it in addition to other medications.
- Nate Diaz
Being a great mixed martial arts fighter, Nate Diaz is world famous and known for his excellent playing skills. The intense workouts and on-field gameplay require a lot of stamina to do well. Moreover, being a martial art fighter getting beaten in the ring is also common. It is when Nate Diaz realized how CBD could help his body and mind to remain physically fit and afloat. As per him, CBD helped him in healing and overcoming inflammation.
- Derrick Morgan
Inspired by Eugene Monroe, Derrick Morgan started taking CBD when he encountered the problem of CTE. Although the active players generally are scared to take CBD thinking it might fail their drug test, seeing the advantages pure CBD is on high demand. It helps Derrick to overcome the catastrophic effects of the brain due to CTE and help him recover fast.\
- Gina Mazany
A world-renowned MMA player from Alaska, Gina Mazany always speaks in favor of CBD. She says that CBD can bring alluring benefits in the life of players and overcome their stress. Gina used to take CBD to fight against the anxiety that overpowers her before the match. After studies, CBD is known to have anxiety curing properties which assures Gina’s assumption about it.
- Eugene Monroe
Eugene is a professional NFL player who is also known to endorse the pros of CBD and join the campaign. He got retired in the year 2016 and suffered from a concussion due to some of the major hits he experienced in the matches. He always speaks in support of medical marijuana that has helped him overcome his issues.
- Marvin Washington
He is a former NFL player that plays in the defensive end. Now he uses CBD as a part of his routine to get rid of some of the major health issues players suffer from like body aches and pain. He uses CBD oil as well as lotions to rub over muscles and joints to reduce soreness.
- Yair Rodriguez
To speed up the recovery time between every training session, Yair “Pantera” Rodriguez, a famous UFC player utilizes CBD oil. He is a Taekwondo black belt and an amazing martial arts fighter. He always voices up in favor of CBD and how it could help athletes in their healing processes, reducing anxiety and overcome stress.
CBD is proved to be highly advantageous for athletes when it comes to their physical and mental wellbeing. Although sound scientific studies about its benefits are still a major missing, experiences of people and athletes speak up a lot.