Sports betting has always been among the most popular types of gambling around the world. But in recent years the popularity of the practice has been skyrocketing, alongside the value of the sports betting market. If you wonder why that is, and whether or not you should get into sports betting yourself, here’s what sports betting has to offer over other types of betting.

1 – It is accessible

Which sport is most popular varies from country to country, but most countries have a national sport. It’s American Football in the US, soccer in the UK and most of Latin America, and in Japan Sumo is still the nation’s most popular sport. Whatever the national sport in your country is, the popularity of that sport means that you likely grew up watching the sport, and have at least a passable grasp of what the rules are. You may also know what the biggest teams and players are.

This general basic understanding of sports makes sports betting attractive to beginners, as it provides a sense of agency. It’s easier to try to predict results when you bet on a familiar sport.

2 – Sports are everywhere

Another upside of betting on a major sporting event is that they are often all over television. This makes it easier for bettors to watch the event in question after placing their bets, be it at home or at a local sports bar.

The global popularity of certain sports also means that there is always something to bet on. It might be midnight where you live, but you may still be able to find a live event happening and being streamed a few time zones away from where you live.

3 – Social element

Going to a casino with a group of friends can be a lot of fun, but that requires having friends who are also into betting. Sports betting doesn’t have that issue. You can get together with a group of friends who don’t like betting and watch the game together — it’s still fun for everyone involved.

Betting also helps make social obligations more interesting. So if the family watches football games every Sunday night and you are tired of watching those, you can place some bets to keep things interesting.

4 – Online convenience

One of the key factors why sports betting is becoming more popular is online betting. Sites like put a lot of effort into making their apps and online platforms as convenient and accessible as possible, which means that placing bets has never been easier. These online tools also make betting on live events as they are happening much interesting, which can help make the entire experience more dynamic.

5 – Social approval

Finally, betting is also becoming more popular simply because it’s less taboo these days. The growing trend in legalizing betting means that many groups that would have frowned upon someone who bets on sports two decades ago are now placing bets themselves. The public discourse around the topic has changed.