Anyone can get a sports injury, no matter whether they’re a sports pro or a newbie. Injuries can happen for a number of reasons: overuse, direct impact or great force. Getting a sports injury can be incredibly disruptive – putting you out of action for a long period of time or preventing you from doing your daily activities. Some might even require you to find a local PI attorney if it wasn’t your fault and could have been prevented – click the link to find out more info.  

If you’re someone who likes exercising and playing sports, you probably want to prevent getting a sports injury. While accidents happen and there’s no guaranteed way of prevention, the following tips will make an accident much less likely. 


Some sports are harder on the body than others, making an injury more likely. However, whether you’re kicking a ball, dodging an uppercut or climbing a rock – you must stretch. Stretching warms up your muscles and prepares your body for physical exercise. It helps you to tune in and work out if you have any problem areas. Stretch before and after your workout and schedule plenty of time for it.   

Wear the right gear

Injuries are more common if you aren’t wearing the right gear. Certain sports like American football involve a lot of risky impact, so you’ll need to ensure you have a shin pads, mouth guard and helmet. Activities like rock climbing require chalk for your hands to ensure that you don’t slip. Don’t scrimp out on the right clothing and equipment. 


Sports injuries become more common if you wear yourself out. Pushing your body too hard and not taking regular breaks could have an impact and cause a strain or break. While you want an intense workout, you don’t want to put your body under too much stress. So, schedule breaks during your activity or workout. 

Do it right

You’re more likely to get a sports injury if you aren’t doing it properly. Weight lifting, for example, requires the correct form to target certain areas. If you lift incorrectly, not only will you not be working your muscles properly, but you could damage your back or neck. If you’re unsure about form or method for any sport or activity, speak to a professional before you start. 


When you’re doing intense periods of exercise, staying hydrated is a must. Dehydration causes muscle fatigue, which can increase the risk of injury. Drinking water can also help to cool you down when your body becomes too hot. So, keep a bottle of water with you always and drink liberally. 


The amount of rest that is required when exercising is often overrated. Overworking an area that is tired or sore can cause long-term injuries. So, don’t overlook the rest day. If you’re feeling pain in an area, rest it with ice. Don’t continue to put pressure on it. Take a rest day, or work on somewhere else if you must.