For beginner tennis players, or aspiring professional tennis players, it is common to ask questions about what it ultimately takes to get to the top. And there is no clear or straight answer to this question. Because at the end of the day, it is different for every player. But there are certain elements you can see in several stars that graced tennis courts over the years. So, if you asked yourself what does it take to train as a tennis pro, here are some insights you will find useful.
Discipline To Stick To A Routine
Staying focused and disciplined will ultimately determine how far you make it in professional tennis. To simply rely on the advanced skills you are showing now is not going to be enough to consistently compete against experienced peers. From the moment you start training you have to keep your mind on the right path. Can you get up early every morning and stand through the training every day? Because this is a minimum requirement for going professional.
Physical Fitness
Everyone can agree there is a lot of running involved in tennis. But you also need power in order to effectively return the ball to the other side of the court. And what about reflexes? These are factors that all come down to physical fitness. In other words, a quick jog in the morning is not going to be enough. You need further calisthenics, ample training time, a high-quality tennis ball machine, and other essentials that will keep you on the move. Keep in mind that a tennis match can go on for quite some time, so endurance will make all the difference.
The Proper Equipment
Pros don’t use the same commercially available rackets and gear as the general public. There is a ton of personalization, including different weighted racquets, stringing, etc. But that shouldn’t dissuade you, it’s just a special reason why you could always tinker with your equipment until you find what’s right for you. Starting with a beginners racquet is fine, but as you get used to your specific style, make sure to always consider tinkering with new equipment.
An Open-Mind
It is very important to go into pro tennis with an open mind. Even if you feel very comfortable with your style and approach, it is somewhat mandatory to expand on these as early as possible. Why? Because your opponents will eventually pick up on what you do, which is when they learn to counter it. The technique you have working for you now is simply not going to be as effective in the next match against the same player. So, do not just play against your opponent. Learn from the way they play, just like they learn from you.
Healthy Lifestyle
In order to maintain a pro tennis career, it is critical to keep your health levels high. This means eating right and avoiding bad habits that directly compromise your physical ability, such as smoking. It might not feel damaging now, but a bad habit like smoking can tank your tennis career quicker than you think.
The Determination To Succeed
Finally, you are going to need the determination to succeed. Because if you do not have confidence in your abilities as a player, the odds are stacked against you.
Yes, all of these traits are pretty straightforward and basic. And take note that “talent” is not listed because it is something that needs to develop. Not every tennis star showed promise right from the start. Several of them had to work very hard to bring out the natural talent they have to swing a racket, which is the most important advice you can take away from this post.