So, you want to start an amateur sports league. Well, the steps are not as difficult as you might expect. There are a few ways to go about it, and many people have created their own leagues through different channels. 

The main ingredients that you need in order to begin a league are time, people, and determination. With a combination of those three things, anybody can start any amateur sports league that they want. 

Step 1: Choose the Sport

There are hundreds of sports that people play on a daily basis. For someone to start an amatur league, they need to decide which sport they want their league to play. 

Each sport has a different set of rules and regulations. They often differ in the price to play, whether it’s field usage or equipment needed. They also differ in popularity, and in safety regulations.  

The most important thing that someone needs in order to begin creating their own amatur sports league is to decide which direction they want to go in. Every sport has minor details that may affect the proper approach to beginning a league, so deciding on a sport is the very first step for anybody looking to start their own league. 

Step 2: Consult Lawyers and Tax Experts

Once you have chosen your sport, you can move on to the next step. There are many legal and monetary issues that could arise if you don’t take the proper precautions before creating your own league. 

You should consult a lawyer about codes of conduct for your league, liability issues, laws surrounding organizations like amateur leagues, and ask general questions about any other legal issues that could arise. Whatever league you start, you need the proper insurance – whether it’s youth baseball insurance or amateur football insurance, different skill levels and sports come with different policies. 

You should also consult a tax advisor about the monetary issues that come with starting any organization. If you intend to profit from this league, you need to know how to properly file taxes for an amateur league. If you don’t intend to profit, you should still consult them about how to file as a non-profit or how to handle charitable donations or league fees in order to sustain the financial stability of the league. The main purpose of this step is to cover your end and make sure that everything you are doing and plan to do is legal and set up properly. 

Step 3: Create an Executive Board

After determining that your are legally able to set up your league, you need to build a team around you in order to get your idea to become reality. You should have multiple different people on this board that specialize in different facets of league administration. 

Find someone who is heavily involved in the community to start the recruiting process. Their job is mainly to find the best coaches and referees possible. You’ll want a graphic designer so you can create advertisements for people to join this league and to help with a website, whether it’s online or in print. You also should have legal counsel involved in case of any issues regarding injuries, property theft, and upholding codes of conduct you created for the league. 

Lastly you should have a treasurer. You need someone to not only oversee the collection of league fees, but also distributing those fees to the proper people in order to sustain success. Have someone who you trust to ensure the money is going towards paying referees, coaches, renting playing fields, and equipment. 

A solid executive board keeps everything running smoothly and affords you the ability to continue progressing your league. 

Step 4: Generate Backup Plans 

Sometimes the sport you choose isn’t something the community is ok with, or it’s something the community doesn’t need. For example, if you want to start a football league in a community that already has three different leagues, it might not be successful. Having backup plans to pivot is essential. 

If you put in hard work and energy to create a league and after a season it wasn’t successful, you need to have options to change so your hard work doesn’t go to waste. When starting an amatur league there are multiple chances to fail. People might not want to play that specific sport, you might not generate enough money through sponsorships and league fees to continue the sport, or there could be legal issues that arise. Having a backup plan for any instance is a good way to ensure you become successful. 

Final Thoughts on Starting an Amateur League

Sports are the ultimate unifier. People can always find at least one thing that they can relate to sports from their life. Creating an amateur league can seem daunting in thought, but once you put it into practice, the steps are simple enough.